23 Aug 2007

Adding images to a post on Blogger

this tutorial is for my cousin Reena and other newbies out there, who just moved up the blogosphere ecosystem from a blog visitor to blogger.

1. Open up 'Create Post' page:

2. You should see the icon of a picture frame as shown here. Click it.

3. This will bring up a pop-up window.
- Make your selection of layout and image size.
- You can either add an image from your computer or from another website. In case of the latter, you have to fill in the url of the image.
After you are done, click upload image.

4. You should see this window, indicating that the image is being uploaded.

5. It's done.

6. The image inside the post in html.

You are done.

You can also add images to your sidebar and to your header as well, but that's another lesson.

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