29 May 2010

Earnings from Blog Advertising

This has been a good week. I earned over US$200 - all from ads on my blogs. The number of advertisers who bought advertising space via Text-link-ads.com has jumped almost three times as well.

However, I do earn more from advertisers who contact me directly and I believe I give them a better deal as well. Getting rid of the middle man does mean a win-win situation for both advertisers and publishers alike. I have also signed up a few long term advertising deals as well.

This is really interesting because when I started blogging professionally in 2006, my main source of income were from sponsored posts, especially via Payperpost.com. It was hard work trying to come up with quality posts and received peanuts in return. I mean, I used to spend time researching and writing 200 words long posts sometimes for only US$5 and was delighted when I was able to get a $10 offer. Now, it's kind of annoying when advertisers contact me offering me $10 for a 300 long sponsored post with 3 links. In fact, I haven't written a sponsored post (advertorials) for a while. I am also thinking of getting some guest writers to contribute. Despite offers, I have resisted for sometimes because I wanted to retain my personal touch (and control). What do you think?

Look forward to more reviews and tech news.


Rose said...

That is fantastic news. It looks like you are doing well for yourself. stay in touch ok?

Dilip Mutum said...

Thanks Rose. I am doing OK. Will definitely be visiting your blog more often.