20 Mar 2009

Google Street View now live in the UK

Just found out yesterday morning that Google Street View is now available for most major cities in the UK on Google maps. This means that we would be able to view 360ยบ street level images.

To get Street view all you have to do is pull the Yellow man on the left hand side of Google maps to your desired location on the map.

This is how our street looks like on it.

Spent nearly an hour exploring Coventry and other cities here in the UK. I find it quite exciting but I am sure there will be people who see this as an invasion of their privacy.

First Commentator
East Coast Life


eastcoastlife said...

It sure is scary. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, This is cool, Thank you for sharing.. I have just knew about it from your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm!! its good for you guys.. Hoping it will come to our 3rd world soon.

Mariuca said...

Hey Adam, thanks for stopping by my site. I see the badge, awesome! :):):)

Anonymous said...

is google street view available for merapuland


Unknown said...

Well it comes in handy when you want to go on vacation.

I've seen that the carplates and some faces were hidden, so I'm not sure privacy is compromised a great lot.