22 Feb 2009

Criteo auto blogroll removed

Hoping to get some traffic, I had installed the Criteo auto blogroll in the side bar of a few of my blogs. I have finally decided to remove them as I didn't see any significant traffic from the sites listed. Moreover, I was quite annoyed to find links to blogs I didn't particularly like.

Many of those blogs didn't link back to my blog and some didn't even have a Criteo widget - meaning they were getting free advertising space on my blog. I would rather put in links to blog I like.

There are two advantages of removing useless widgets:
1. Your blog is less cluttered
2. It loads faster


Anonymous said...

You are right, I made the same exp.

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I hope you're not talking about our blog: Blog on travel which appears right at the end of the screenshot you took! :)

By the way I use criteo too, and I never really took time to see its performances in terms of visits.. Maybe I should.

Dilip Mutum said...

Hi Tom: No I am not referring to your blog. I can see that you have the Criteo blogroll on your sidebar. However, your blog is on Travel and not related to e-marketing or even gadgets, if you know what I mean
Thanks for dropping by anyway.

Anonymous said...

Okay I got your point. It's kind of true. They probably listed the blog on your criteo widget because I talk about SEO/SEM from time to time (related to the travel industry of course). Anyway maybe I should replace criteo with blogcatalog as I can see you're still using it.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want something else to control links going out of my site. I would want control over that so I could give link love to who I chose. I can also testify that removing useless widgets makes your page load faster.

Anonymous said...

never tried it before. i dont have any on my blog right noe.

Anonymous said...

Are there any other widgets or plug-ins that offer this type of functionality?

Dilip Mutum said...

I am sure there are loads of similar services out there on the net.