There's a new search engine in town. It's called Cuil (pronounced cool) and calls itself the world’s biggest search engine. So far, that's not exactly true but they might give Google a run for their money soon, looking at the way things are going. According to their info page, they search as three times as many web pages as Google.
Unlike Google where search results are based on link popularity, Cuil bases it's results on content analysis. Another difference with Google is Cuil promishes complete privacy to the searchers - something that a lot of people will definitely find attractive. As for the design, it is similar to Google in the sense that it's rather simple without any clutter. However, it has a dark background as opposed to Google's white background.
Anna Patterson, part of the husband-and-wife team that founded the company, used to work with Google. She was the architect of Google’s large search index, TeraGoogle, which was launched in early 2006. She is also noted for having created the world's biggest search engine index (at that time) consisting of 30 billion pages using information from the Internet Archive at Archive.org. Her husband, Tom Costello is the CEO of the company.
Other related links:
- Former Googleers unveil Cuil, a new search engine
- Cuil Challenges Google With Privacy
I saw on this on the news today. The reporter on tv got an error on the first search lol
Hi cheap... I am going to allow this comment. However, as I have warned earlier, please use your name or a nick.
I dont think cuil can overhaul google. Well, lets wait and see! I understand that ex staff of google created cuil..so it must be something different and improved.
I don't think anyone at google will be losing sleep over it anyway, but it will be interesting to see if this search engine becomes popular or not.
Good luck to them. It will be good if they could make some competition to google, but i really doubt.
I was really dissappointed by Cuil. As a few other bloggers have stated they should have waited until they were 100% ready before launch. Instead they have disenfranchised a lot of the peopple in the know. Our website didnt appear anywhere for the brand keywords, however a page cannot be found came up before us, that had a link to our website.
Really poor
I don't know about this. I really like the interface, but when I typed in my company name I got 0 results! It's not winning my vote.
Interesting concept they have. I like how they list search results in 2 or 3 columns as opposed to a single list like most search engines.
Plus, it's always good to see other companies having a go at search.
Looks like a real cool search engine, I like the format but of all the search engine home pages I still prefer Yahoo.
Cuil is nice content search engine. cuil supported by google search engine. so, I think its process is good.
What I dislike about Cuil is the search results. I'm not sure what's the experience they were thinking of producing but to me, it's not very efficient way of getting the information I want.
Who cares if you give me the accurate information if I can't even select and decide properly to make my accurate decision.
That's what I'm feeling now.
I really which there were a search engine that could give Google a run for their money.
I which we could turn the table around as I find, on an SEO stand point, that Google is playing Diva, meaning that they impose their will.
They claimed they indexed more than Google. However, they do not even index sites that has been around for more than 4 years. For that, i question the credibility of their claim. I have since submitted a number of our websites to be indexed by Cuil a few weeks back, however till now we have yet to receive any notifications. I can say they made a BIG claim.
Perhaps...but for all the complaints I read about Google, I still see it increasing it's marketshare every quarter.
Cuil actually has some very interesting technology that allows it to operate its search engine at a faction of the cost that it takes Google to run its operations. This is very interesting and it is actually useful.
Great post mate, thanks.
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