20 Jan 2008

Vista Logitech camera compatibility issues

Despite my fears, I was able to run all my software packages that I regularly use, on my computer. I am still getting used to Vista and so far the only incompatibility issue I faced was with my old Logitech webcam. The one I have is the QuickCam Zoom Silver. Tyring to load the drivers led me to the Logitech site which helpfully told me that my webcam was not compatible with Vista and that I would have to buy a new one.

I was sure that there must be some workaround and after a search of the net finally found "Trick to Use Logitech QuickCam Messenger in Windows Vista". The trick involved installing the webcam driver for XP and then updating it to the latest version (10.5.1), which is Vista compliant.

I followed all the steps and my old webcam is now working fine.


Anonymous said...

I have not used Vista yet. Thanks for the information anyway.

Anonymous said...

I used a Logitech camera with Vista but man what a pain it was to setup. Sometimes installing XP, configuring drivers and stuff then upgrading to Vista will help it work - though that's quite a pain!

Anonymous said...

heard that vista got so many problems..even installation problem..anyway thanks for the info