25 Jul 2007

Magical motivational key note speaker

If you are organising a conference or seminar, it is very important to get the right keynote speaker as he or she will set the tone for the entire conference. I have attended a few conferences and on one occasion, the politician who was supposed to deliver the key note address couldn't attend the conference because of some reason. he sent along his representative who didn't do a good job (putting it politely). I was not surprised to see several people slipping away from the hall.

The ideal keynote speaker would be one who can hold the audience spellbound while engaging them. Andy Cohen is one of those unique business and motivational speakers who's entertaining as well.

Using magic as a metaphor he ensures the full participation of the audience as well as ensuring that the lesson learnt remains memorable for a long time.

Andy is a marketing guru, innovation expert, best selling author and magician as well. His book 'Follow the Other Hand' has been nominated by the New York Times as a potential bestseller for 2007. The list of his clients include some of the biggest companies including America Online, American Express, Fox, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle among others. This is an an indication of his popularity.

So if you are looking for someone to speak at your conference, seminar, or business meeting, look no further. However, you may have to check his schedule first as he is a very busy man.

NOTE: Picture was taken from a screenshot of his website

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