25 Jun 2007

PR checker

A lot of people new to blogging have been asking me about PR or Page Rank and how to determine their PR of their blogs. That's fairly easy for me because I have the SearchStatus add-on on my Firefox browser. It instantly tells me the pr as well as the Alexa rankings of every web page I visit.

For more PR checkers read my post on my Freebies blog: What is your PR

You can also check it here. Just type your url in the space and hit the "check pr" button.

This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service


Anonymous said...

How is it even possible to get an accurate reading when no one knows for sure how the PR is made?

Michael said...

I have a PR doodad on my site, find it useful just to see how the site is going.

Dilip Mutum said...

Whyte: That remains a mystry to me too as there is no official PR checker from Google.

Michael: Might try that out. BTW, heard that the next PR update is coming up soon.