I think the employees of UPrinting.com really love my blogs. They are among my top commentators , especially Michelle. I really do appreciate it because most of them seem to have read my post and leave relevant comments.
Of course there are the bad eggs as well - the guys with really bad grammar and some who just cut and paste the same comment on all the blogs. Then there are those who are really lazy and cut and paste portions from my blog post. I have no idea why they do that. Needless to say, those comments do not get approved. In fact most of the comments don't get approved but I do appreciate it all the same.
Here are the guys from UPrinting.com and related companies who have left their comments on my blogs:
CouponWebz | UPrinting Coupons
Faith | MyPostcardPrinting.com
Kay | UPrinting
Letterhead Printing | UPrinting.com
Luigi | UPrinting.com
Marq | UPrinting Coupons
Michelle | Print Brochures
Michelle | Poster Printing
Michelle | Online Poster Printing
Michelle | OnlinePosterPrinting.com
Michelle | Large Format Posters
Michelle | LargeFormatPosters.com
Printing Quotes | UPrinting Coupons
Vic | Brochures Printing Online
Vince | Brochures Printing
Thanks guys and do tell me if I am missing anyone.
I don't think it's a good idea to announce to the world that anyone is spamming your site even if it is a nice gesture. I won't be surprised if they won't comment anymore, but that's just me.
Hi Trent. I don't really mind if they stop commenting. Are you from UPrinting as well?
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