Traffic to my site has increased by several times ever since I joined up with Entrecard some time back. This "socio-economic network", was conceived by netpreneur Graham Langdon and you earn virtual currency (ec) whenever you visit other member blogs, leave comments, receive visitors or whenever you update your blog.
You can then spend your currency to advertise on other blogs. I usually buy as many ad spaces as possible by going for newer and cheaper blogs. Not really sure whether this is a good idea. I plan to put up ads on costlier (and more popular) blogs and compare the effect on traffic. It's definitely cheaper than other advertising services around on the web.
Check out the Entrecard blog for the latest tips.
The most interesting thing about Entrecard is that it has given rise to a totally new term called 'Entrecard dropping'. For your information, I do try to reciprocate all drops on my blog.
Let's go Entrecard Dropping.
Thanks for the advice.
Happy New Year!!!
Thanks, I din't know it. I still think SEO is very important but there are a lot of tricks to get traffic, no only ranking the first. This is one of them, there are other that are pretty much expensive, here you have more: The Guru Assassin Review. It is just thinking out of the box what can make you success.
I've wanted to try entrecard for a while but I have heard a lot of negative things about it. Plus card dropping would be time consuming.
Still might give it a shot though.
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