One regular reader of my blog asked me why I don't show off my Google Adsense cheques. Apparently, he noticed that unlike the "Dot Com Moguls" out there on the web, I didn't do that. Actually I did write one post showing off "My Google adsense cheque" but that was it.
To tell the truth I don't earn that much from Google adsense but the main reason I don't post up pictures of cheques showing how much I earned this month is because I don't receive any cheques from Google anymore. I have opted to go green by signing up to receive my AdSense payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Besides getting my payments faster I save on paper and thus do my little bit for the environment.
On the downside I lose the opprtunity of showing off my cheques. As I have menionted before "No 1 Tip to make money online - act like a millionaire". People want to go to blogs of sucessful bloggers (with loads of Google adsense cheques) because they want to learn how to start earning themselves.
Something to think about.
Yes... This is very much true. My experience and research shows that people are manipulating the cheques to get money from other sources like clickbank. They used it to blur one's eyes with greed and hunger for big money so at the end of the day their product are sold. Some of the tips and tricks are good but most of them are useless.
For me, I just provide a link to products from clickbank and let people decide whether they need to but them or not. Frankly speaking, some of the people out there will buy. Their own choice.
But beware one thing, people can always ask for their money back i.e. refund or chargeback. So long if the product is not useful as warranted, always claim your money back.
Hope we all learn from our past mistake. Cheers.
HA.. I've quit using adsense :)
Hey, G1 came out today right? Think it will compete with iPhone?
ļ¼©always get a fat check from google. They rock. Adsense alone is not enough. I take 5 percent of my earning and use it to make more campaigns and Adwords. These two together make a great investment.
My experience and research shows that people are manipulating the cheques to get money from other sources like clickbank. They used it to blur one's eyes with greed and hunger for big money so at the end of the day their product are sold.
Google Adsense is almost impossible to earn with if the traffics factors is not too encouraging.
In fact, it is hard to make it huge with adsense if our traffic is not millions.
It is good to hear that you went green for your adsense. I would hope more people would do that. Hopefully you can make tons from it.
AdSense is dying I think, companies are hiring consultants rather than ad space. However I still use AdSense on my blogs, I get a bit of cash everyone once in a while...
Hey Adam,
I've opted for the ETF payments as well, they are much easier and way faster then waiting for your Cheque to arrive.
Making money with adsense isn't hard really, the key for me is multiple sites each earning a small amount that add up to a comfortable income.
well am doing much better way...i don't display ads @ all
It feels like it have gotten a lot harder to earn money on Adsense. I used to have pretty high clicks but they have gotten lower and lower. I think it has to do with the quality score. People who know how to optimize their page for Adwords can get the price down a lot and that means we earn less.
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with looking at cheques anyway. I mean, I get it that it is good if you are not sure if a program is legit or not, but when it comes to Adsense... how does it help me to see what others are making? Some people are just nosy I guess!
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