I am still in the process of evaluating the effect of the recent PR update on my total earnings. Before this, my top income earner from paid posts was my Freebies blog. Since the update (PR went down from 3 to 2), my earnings have fallen drastically. It's amazing what just one point drop on your PR can do. However, this drop was more than made up by earnings from my oldest blog - ah ok lah.
I can fully understand why a lot of bloggers with blogs that dropped from PR5 are unhappy and making a lot of noise. I simply can't believe the number of high paying opps now available to me on PayPerPost (now under the parent company, Izea). My objective now is to try to bring this blog up to PR 5. In order to do this, I would be be taking a number of steps. Writing regular posts would be my first priority.
Would love to hear what steps you guys are taking.
have you tried Sponsoredreview.com? If you don't you should. I've been in the program and it pays decent money. PR4 can expect $40-$65 net per post. If you don't mind I'm asking, I'm curious how much is the highest payment per post in PPP and how many posts do you usually produce across your blogs every month?
Yes, I am a member of SponsoredReviews.com as well.
So far, the highest I have been paid for a post in PPP is $43. However, Unlike SponsoredReviews.com which pays you only 65% of the bid amount, I will get the full amount.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous they base earnings off of toolbar pagerank. First of all, it only updates a few times a year. Secondly, it doesn't reflect your REAL pagerank score because your real score isn't base 10 it's a floating integer. I suggest someone start a link brokerage that uses different items of interest for their quality scores.
I've dropped text link ads... will be losing some income but is now being compensated by 2,3 new sources
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