A lot of bloggers, mostly newbies to blogging, have been asking me about ways to increase their Google Page Rank or PR. My reply has always been the same. I too am in the same boat and I am trying to get this blog a respectable PR befitting it's name. Of course, you all know by now that my target is to get a PR 10.

The fact is that most people are selfish and won't link to you unless you are a net celebrity. This then becomes a chicken and egg question. How are you going to become a web celebrity unless a lot people link back to you?
I forgot to mention that you can also beg your friends and family members to link back to you and they might do so out of pity.
However, there may be a way to help ourselves after all. You notice this button below:

This indicates that I have removed the rel="nofollow" attribute from my blog comments. Wordpress powered blogs just need a plugin to turn off the rel=”nofollow” code but we poor bloggers at Blogger have to manually remove this code ourselves.
This means that comments on my site will be indexed by search engines thus improving your blog's pr, that is, if you have left a link to your blog in your comment.
So what are you waiting for?
Leave your comments on ALL MY BLOGS and any other blog that has the "Do follow "sign on them.
I have joined the "Do Follow Blogroll" that was started by Tricia.
Please refer to the 'Do Follow Bloggers'
Tags: do follow nofollow
thanks for the tips adam!
do follow rocks!
Hi this is the way...
Thanks adam for the tips. Very much appreciate this.
On the other hand, I wonder how the big g will react to this. I mean, spam comments may not be a major issue, but whether we can be penalized if we're attracting too many links with low quality.
Hi Zul, that's a good question. However, I don't think we are doing anything wrong. Guess we just have to wait and see.
Adam. I have a blogspot blog and am trying to take the no follow tags out. I cannot seem to find where they are in my template!
If you have a minute, please email be at bluepaintred@gmailDOTcom
A quick comment for bluepaintred.
If Adam hasn't already got back to you, then what you're looking for will either be in the metadata or in a separate robots.txt file.
I have to admit I've been thinking seriously about setting up a blog myself, but I'm new to it and am still doing my exploring. Not even sure whether to have a crack at putting together the site myself, using something bespoke or off-the-shelf. Its all a matter of time I guess. I'd be quite an easy task to put together a PHP blog site, but I'd be doing it for the fun of it and re-inventing the wheel and all that.
The do-follow-list is a great idea. I´m listed, too.
How do you achieve the dofollow in links withing the comments like this on Pasty Muncher??
Hi Adam, I have already got the plug in on my site, with a big blue banner that says so! Up the revolution! But hadn't thought of writing a post on it to spread the world.. think I will go do it right now! Some really good stuff for us newbies.. ty
I came to know about the movement from Randa Clay's blog but was disappointed to find that many who joined the movement have decided to revert back to nofollow, thanks to the constant abuse by comment spammers.
I got rid of that problem by moderating my comments.
That is the right thing to do Adam. It almost seems like those who still use nofollow are just lazy bloggers who don't want to have to moderate their blog's comments. There will always be spammers, even if there is a nofollow tag.
I quess, more correct way to remove nofollow from commentator's name.I am looking way to do it on my blog
Welcome to try!
thanks adam for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this with us :)
It would be great if people do not abuse this and i will join in the movement as well...
You won't lose anything much if your posters are legit and they link to ok websites, its the spam machines that annoy me but i always chose all my comments manually, so my blog will join the movement as well :)
How are you? I think you really had a great idea of making your blog do follow. It will help you to encourage a lot of visitors and help other website owners.
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