Yesterday I took my first opp on Sponsoredreviews.com, another company that offers to connect bloggers to advertisers. It competes directly with PayPerPost and ReviewMe. However, the way it works slightly differs from the others.
After registering with the service and adding your blogs, you find an advertiser you would like to blog about. They have a pay range provided and you then set your bid price. This cannot be more than the price you have set for your blog.
You then wait for the advertiser to accept your offer, refuse it or make a counter offer. If both parties agree, you go ahead and do the review (normally 200 words).
The price cut they take is quite high (35%). So if you take up an opp for $30, I only get $19.50. However, it is a little bit higher than when you take an opp on ReviewMe. The latter takes a massive 50% cut.
While writing this, I got a counter offer to write a review for $5 (my share being $3.25). That's too low for a 200 words review and I counter offered to do it for $10. The initial bid was $15. Let's see what the advertiser says.
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