28 Jun 2007

All search engines in one - Dogpile

Most of my friends prefer to use the Google search engine (so do I), whereas some of them like Yahoo!, on the other hand, a small percentage use MSN Search and others.

What if we have a search engine that brings together the best results from Google, Yahoo! Ask.com, About, etc? Well, you have Dogpile.

J.D. Power & Associates named it as top consumer search engine for 2007. You might also want to learn more about Arfie, their mascot.



Francesca De Chiara said...

You're so quick ;)
dogpile rules! hihihi
Ciao Adam, see you soon!

Francesca De Chiara said...

and this is google for sweet rahil :

Dilip Mutum said...

Well you are quick too to comment ;-)
Thanks for the info and the tasty pasta. Rahil wants to stick up your drawings on the wall. Ciao.