1 Aug 2007

Heroes fan site

I once read about this popular TV show called Heroes on the net and wondering what it was all about. I first time I caught the show, it was actually the fourth episode and that was it - I was hooked. In case you are not aware, Heroes is the NBC science fiction TV series created by Tim Kring, which follow the lives of people who suddenly discover that they have super powers.

I recently got to know about one of the show's fan sites called "The Real Heroes". The blogger who goes by the alias of Rubixcubeman aims to "find real people with real Hero stories".

He is using the Blogger Minima Dark template and even though I am not a fan of dark backgrounds, I realize that it is a matter of choice. Rubixcubeman should definitely customize the template to make it "his own". A slightly bigger font size would be welcome for those with bad eye sight. It would also be nice to have more than one post on the front page so that we could just scroll down to read older posts instead of clicking the links on the side bar.

Unlike other fan sites, the blog has some great original posts. I now make it a point to read what Rubixcubema has written after every episode of Heroes. If you are a fan of Heroes, you should definitely visit this blog.

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